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The Dragon's Head Blog: Stratford Hosts Central Region Program

IMG_4987Eighty-nine participants from the Southwest Ontario area as well as visitors from New Zealand, Edinburgh and Winnipeg gathered for our annual program conducted by Marsha Eberhardt, President of the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism at the Southwest Centre in Stratford, Ontario. Marsha did not have to travel as far to lead us as she is a participant from Stratford branch.

The day began with a couple of sets emphasizing all the way up then down to help us to find balance. Then, the toryu: just when you think “Well now I know how to do the toryu” along comes more understanding that continues to add quality to our moves.

Many personal stories were shared, thanks to Philomena, Alison and John Huang. John talked about trusting and learning with sincerity and an open heart.

Marsha used the Essential Anatomy app to enhance our understanding of how practicing the Taoist Tai Chi™ arts can help us to improve our health. With particular focus on the shoulder the physiotherapists in the group shared their knowledge of the mechanics of how the muscles work in the movements we use in the exercises.

Lunch was our first in-house production from start to finish. It was delicious and balanced. The pot luck offerings for snacks and desserts were appreciated by all.

Practicing the Taoist Tai Chi™ arts gives us the knowledge to help ourselves on a daily basis. What a wonderful gift!

Thank you to Marsha and all who organized and made the day run smoothly.


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