The Dragon's Head Blog: Day 3 Lok Hup/Pain Relief Week – International Center Florida
We have heard stories of Master Moy advising those with health concerns to practice more don yu and tor yu.
So, how do we integrate don yu and tor yu with pain relief. Marsha suggests that applying intention of the principles of pressing down, expanding and letting go we become aware of how this makes us feel.
At a 1995 Lok Hup workshop, Master Moy asked that a seated Lok Hup set be taught to a young man unable to walk.
This week as a group, we just went with the feeling as we tried a seated Lok Hup set ourselves to appriciate the benefits it could offer to someone with limited mobility.
If we trust, we can find a way to feel the intention of don yu and tor yu and the health benefits they promote despite our current limitations.