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The Dragon's Head Blog: Central Region Program – Day 3 Quotes

Day 3

Quotation from participants on how they are feeling so far into the program:

“I was impressed by the friendliness and the community of the whole group.” – Margaret, Texas, first time workshop attendee

“I love the mixture of the Chanting, Meditation,Taoist Tai Chi™️ arts and Lok Hup Ba Fa.  I feel the full experience for the first time.” – Laura, Kingston

“It brought the Taoist Tai Chi™️practice together.” – Cathy, Timmons

“My arms are softer than they have been in years, and years, and years.” – Pat, Ottawa

“The Chanting, Meditation, Taoist Tai Chi™️arts, Lok Hup Ba Fa, and banquet preparations are helping to create a soft energy and a feeling of balance.” – Jessica, Ottawa 

“I felt the sense of stillness we get from the Chanting and Meditation carried into our set.” – Wayne, Alabama 

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