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The Dragon's Head Blog

Francúzsko ponúka vďaku pracovníkom v prvej línii

Francúzsko ponúka vďaku pracovníkom v prvej línii

Keď sa zdravotná kríza uvoľnila, Združenie Taoist Tai Chi (TTCS) vo Francúzsku spustilo kampaň trojmesačných bezplatných úvodných kurzov pre pracovníkov v prvej línii, ktorí pokračovali v práci počas lockdownov. Toto gesto vďaky je určené lekárskym a sociálnym profesiám a zamestnancom základných služieb ako sú hasiči, zberači odpadu a pracovníci v pohrebníctve teda tých, ktorí boli piliermi […]
Sezónne Pozdravy

Sezónne Pozdravy

Pozdravy z Fung Loy Kok Inštitútu Taoizmu. Prajeme všetkým v tomto sviatočnom období mier a radosť.
Chanting for the World

Chanting for the World

On Saturday, April 11, 2020, over 600 participants from 25 countries came together virtually and chanted for the world. “When the chanting started with so many fellow participants all over the world, I was surprised by tears and tears. For the last 8 months I have managed to hold myself together fairly well through cancer […]
Classes Suspended Across the Globe

Classes Suspended Across the Globe

We have all observed the rapidly changing situation with regard to the coronavirus. In recent days, many Branches and Locations have already suspended classes.all classes and programs until further notice. This includes retreats and intensives, special events and open house activities, etc.. Updates and further information will be posted  as soon as they are available. […]
Florida Keys Branch Joins Cancer Walk

Florida Keys Branch Joins Cancer Walk

Some participants from the Taoist Tai Chi Society ® Florida Keys Branch Marathon Location formed a team and took part in the American Cancer Society Making Strides Walk this past Saturday. The community event in Marathon raises awareness about breast cancer and cancer research and celebrates survivors. 
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