The Dragon's Head Blog: 30th Anniversary of TTCS of Poland at International Workshop
We celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Poland in July during the five-day International Workshop in Krakow. There were 239 participants plus 18 people who came for the weekend. Carmen Capilla and Paul Davies led the workshop, encouraging us to practice awareness. They reminded us that it was important to exercise together, in the same rhythm, and enjoy common practice.
The first two sets in the morning ended with standing meditation, which every day brought new body experiences and discoveries. Participants were eager to share their feelings and observations. We warded off monkeys and brushed knees, experiencing the moves in a new way. While pushing needle to sea bottom, we found joy in « angling ».
On Friday night Paoletta, a member from Italy and a doctor of medicine, gave an interesting talk on the health properties of Taoist Tai Chi™ from the perspective of Western medicine. We know that Taoist Tai Chi™ arts are an excellent tool for health improvement, so we are very happy to learn that scientific publications confirm our experiences.
The main event of the 30th anniversary celebrations was a banquet on Thursday afternoon. Organizing it was a splendid opportunity to learn working together in harmony.
In a few hours time we transformed a rented big gym in a friendly school into a beautiful banquet hall.
The effect was amazing.
The 30 years of Taoist Tai Chi Society of Poland was summed up on several boards prepared by branches and in an anniversary booklet documenting the 30 years of Society activities.
Invited guests honored us with their presence at the banquet.
They were: the headmaster of the school where we have our workshops, representatives of Cracow authorities, the Pedagogical University as well as 13 countries where we practice Taoist Tai Chi™.
We received many heartfelt congratulations and words of respect from politicians, city officials and organizations we cooperate with.
We also had a chance to demonstrate the Taoist Tai Chi ™ set for those who don’t know it and to talk about health benefits of its practice. Two members, who regained their health thanks to Taoist Tai Chi™, told their personal stories, thus reaffirming what was said earlier.
It is also our tradition to convey greetings in the mother tongue by representatives of countries where Taoist Tai Chi™ is present. This is always a warm and joyous moment.
Finally, a great anniversary cake appeared to the sounds of music made by members from the Wrocław club.
We would like to thank everybody who took part in preparing the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Poland, as well as all the guests who honored our banquet with their presence. Words of deepest gratitude are due to master Moy Lin Shin who enabled us to follow the path he left us and to continuously deepen the understanding of his teachings by developing our mind, body and spirit.
30 lecie Stowarzyszenia Taoist Tai Chi w Polsce obchodziliśmy w lipcu w trakcie Międzynarodowego pięciodniowego warsztatu w Krakowie. W warsztacie 5-cio dniowym wzięło udział 239 uczestników i dodatkowo 18 stu przyjechało na weekend. Prowadzący warsztat: Carmen Capilla i Paul Davies zachęcali nas do ćwiczenia uważności. Podkreślali jak ważne jest to, abyśmy ćwiczyli razem, w tym samym rytmie i jednocześnie czerpali radość ze wspólnego praktykowania.
30-letnią historię STTC w Polsce pokazywały tablice przygotowane przez oddziały oraz specjalnie wydany folder dokumentujący 30 lecie działaności Stowarzyszenia.
Bankiet zaszczycili swoją obecnością zaproszeni goście: dyrektor szkoły w której ćwiczymy na warsztacie , przedstawiciele władz miasta i dzielnic Krakowa oraz Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, a także reprezentanci 13 krajów, w których ćwiczymy Taoist Tai Chi ™ na świecie.