The Dragon's Head Blog: Largest Workshop in Victoria, Canada
The Victoria centre filled with over 160 people, bringing a lively sense of bonhomie as these gatherings do. They were here for a National Workshop and Chinese New Year banquet, and came from all over British Columbia, Canada, with a few from further afield, for exampe, Ontario and even Australia.
The workshop was led by Susan Lundy, a welcome, and we can almost say now, regular visitor to this area. The Victoria branch is a long-standing one, going back to the mid-1970s, and we’ve hosted many events over the years. This was our largest event yet, and the cauldron simmered away nicely!

The centre never looked more festive, and (somehow) a full 10-course Chinese New Year banquet meal was prepared in our small kitchen by expert volunteers, and served by another trained team.

We were honoured to have five local councillors in attendance, as well as a representative from the Victoria Epilepsy and Parkinson’s Centre.

From left to right: Saanich Councillor Vic Dermon, Saanich Councillor Vicki Sanders, Jim Nicholson, Oak Bay Councillor Hazel Braithwaite, Colwood Councillor Terry Trace, Central Saanich Councillor Chris Graham, Susan Lundy, Verity Rolfe, Gwen Griff