The Dragon's Head Blog
International Centre Orangeville
United Kingdom @ CIT Week
It’s day one of CIT Week and people are gathering for the afternoon session. Some are relaxing in the shade, some are doing tor-yus, and some are fighting over the last of the tasty buns – Theo (Cambridge, UK)
Slovakia @ CIT Week
Balance, drop, smile, eyes level – these were the most used words during the 1st day of CIT week. 573 participants from around the world gathered to work together not only on 108 movements. Excellent beginning was provided with inspiring discussions which make as think about our transformations and tremendous buns baked with the same […]
All Souls ends at the International Centre
All Souls ceremonies have now been held at Wong Dai Sin Temple and at the International Centre. The final All Souls ceremony for this year will be held from Saturday August 13 till Monday August 15 at the Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi head office, D’Arcy St, in Toronto.
We have liftoff!
CIT Week is launched at the International Centre, near Orangeville. Lots of happy faces and reunions of friends. We’ve done our first two sets together and organised ourselves quietly into 71 groups in just under 15 minutes!
T minus 22 hours till CIT liftoff …
We’re ready and waiting for the registration rush. Today is mass pick-up day for the transport team as the family flies in from around the world and Canada.
T minus 36 hours till CIT liftoff …
We look rather beautiful at the International Centre at night-time too …
All Souls at the International Centre
Chanters are serving the community this weekend by taking part in All Souls ceremonies at the International Centre, near Orangeville.
T minus 43 hours till CIT lift-off …
… and we’re looking gorgeous! Can’t wait for the party to start.
Joy, gratitude and internals at Lok Hup Week
Participants in the Taoist Tai Chi® arts at the International Centre, near Orangeville, have lots to say about this week’s Lok Hup program as they work on having fun and finding balance. Here are just a few of their comments. “I’m grateful for the time inside the workshop and outside of it with all the great […]
Health Recovery in full swing!
It is now day three of the Health Recovery Program here at the International Taoist Tai Chi Centre near Orangeville, and what an inspiring experience it has been thus far! During the first few days, our knowledgeable instructor Jim helped us build a strong foundation through countless tor-yus and dan-yus. He explained that the quality […]
Forty-three Americans Attend Summer Tai Chi Week in Orangeville
One hundred and eighty-one participants took part in this year’s summer tai chi week at the International Center in Orangeville. Forty-three of them were Americans. Every region in America was represented. Many met before one of the morning sessions for a group photo. Tony Kwong, our workshop leader, and Karen Laughlin, International President, joined us. […]
‘Wow, I did it’
After participating in the recent Health Recovery and Summer Tai Chi workshops, back to back, all I can say is WOW I did it! I am surprised that I could do so much tai chi and still want more as the workshop came to an end. The encouragement and gentle guidance I got from the […]
Semaine dété – Orangeville 2016
C’est ma première visite à Orangeville pour un atelier de cinq jours : «J’ai été impressionnée par l’organisation physique de la Société. Ici, les gens sont amicaux. Ils s’entraident. Il y a une ouverture par rapport aux autres. J’ai été émerveillée de voir Tony faire les mouvements. Il est à l’intérieur de lui-même. J’aime beaucoup observer […]
Summer days are here again
Summer Tai Chi week kicked off on June 29 with a great start. The five-day workshop began at the International Centre Orangeville on a beautiful summer day, with 184 participants supported by 18 volunteers. On day one, participants received instruction from Tony Kwong on tory-us and dany-us. Following the instructions, participants took part in 24 […]
Final night of June Health Recovery Program
With the southern Ontario heat, we enjoyed a beautiful set outside, followed by a brush knee parade around the second floor of the Health Recovery building at the International Centre in Orangeville to take advantage of the air conditioning. The icing on the cake was a final push hands session. One more morning and then we […]
Health Recovery Week, Day 3, at Orangeville, Ontario
Working and learning (and eating!) together. “My tai chi is improving from teaching others.” — Wade from Taraunga, New Zealand “There’s no criticism. It’s all help” — Pat from Gravenhurst “This Health Recovery is one of the best gifts I’ve given myself. It’s taken me a while to get here, but […]
What is it like to stay at the International Centre for a Health Recovery Week?
One participant captured the answer to this question in pictures.
Finding balance at Health Recovery Week
Health Recovery participants don-yu their way down the room as they play with balance and weight-shifting. “There’s such a strong feeling of community within the group. It warms my heart.” – Angie from Durham, Canada “This has been a phenomenal week to help me work on issues that are present for me. It’s […]
Things are Looking Up at Health Recovery Week
Up … Up … Up! There’s always more up! Participants in this month’s Health Recovery Week at the International Centre, Orangeville, are enjoying getting taller and working together. From some of the participants: “It’s been more than just physical. I’m learning how to listen to my body and I didn’t realize how I […]
It’s unanimous !
Everyone agreed they will all recommend the Volunteer/Tai Chi Retreat weekend to people at their branches. More than 30 people enjoyed three days of tai chi and volunteering in the retreat held at the International Centre near Orangeville after Cross-Canada Seniors Day. This is what they had to say: Nice balance of work and […]
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